For more than 20 years, people have associated medinix with pharmaceuticals and the research industry, but that has changed! Through the training and employment of our media designer
Philipp there have always been smaller design projects, behind the blue and white medinix backdrop.
Then there were our new animal colleagues, who not only gave us a heart for design, but also for furry noses!
When a media designer trainee applied in 2020, the opportunity was perfect. We had enough capacity to start a voluntary project. After some research and a nice talk with the people in
charge, the Ria Nickel animal shelter got a new look.
A lot of heart and soul went into the old site of the shelter, which should be preserved. To ensure that the "soul of the site" is not lost, we have identified and continued the most important identified and continued the most important core elements.
At a glance, you can see your entrance to the shelter and give a furry nose a new chance after just two clicks.
This point was an important concern of the shelter, because not every animal fits into every environment or family. Even if it is still "so cute".
Through our integrated search function, important aspects such as compatibility, suitability for children, age, attitude and much more can be entered directly.
"Ein Zitat von über die Zusammenarbeit mit medinix oder das Ergebnis"
Frau Nachnahme
Shortly after our project, Arex, after more than a year in the shelter, found his forever home.
He now enjoys his retirement as a senior office dog at medinix.
We would like to thank Ms Andrea Lessel of Seelenheil Photography for the creation of excellent mediation pictures.